After a short downtime, we are pleased to announce that Vital Gas is back and better than ever!
Vital returns with a brand new, improved front page layout and renovated forum to make your visit to Vital Gas hub easier for a more enjoyable, immersive experience. We are also looking for fresh, creative new bloggers to join our team at the unofficial home of Bristol Rovers, which already includes the excellent Nick Rippington’s blogs.
If this sounds like something you would be interested in and you would like to know more about the work we do, just come along and join us and get involved at Vital Gas, written by the fans for the fans.
If any of our current users are having any problems accessing the forum following the redesign then please get in touch with us at Vital Gas, so we can help you get back on track with everything Gas related.
Welcome back Vital, ive missed you 🙂